Trearddur Bay logo Trearddur Bay

League results

Rank Played Won Drawn Lost GD Points
1 3 3 0 0 10 0

Current form


Latest matches

Date Team Location Result
31-08-2024 14:30Menai Bridge logo Menai BridgeHome
01-02-2025 13:45Corwen FC logo Corwen FCHome
01-03-2025 14:00Bow Street FC logo Bow Street FCHome

Upcoming matches

Date Team Location Result
05-04-2025 14:30Brickfield Rangers FC logo Brickfield Rangers FCAway

League Sponsor

About us

The Ardal Leagues are football league in Wales. The word "ardal" translates as "district" in English, with Wales split into four regions at this level.
They have clubs with amateur/semi-professional status and sit at the third level of the Welsh football league system


Social links

Site visitors

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 56.2% United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United States of America 19.6% United States of America
Unknown 18.5% Unknown



Today: 67
This Week: 227
This Month: 274
Total: 61,560

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